Why Choice is an Illusion?
Sen. Vaneta Becker |
On January 15, 2020, Senate Bill 446, prohibiting euthanasia, was referred to the Committee on Health and Provider Services. The bill was authored by Senator Vaneta Becker, who is a member of the committee. The bill's digest states in part:
Prohibits: (1) mercy killing; (2) lethal injection; and (3) passive withholding or withdrawal of a life prolonging procedure; by a health care provider in certain instances. Prohibits a person from delegating certain prohibited acts to a third party for the purpose of circumventing a prohibition against the act. ... Provides that a person who knowingly or intentionally exerts undue influence on a patient in order to convince the patient to end the patient's life commits a Level 1 felony.
To view the bill text,
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